Sujian Guo
Sujian Guo is Professor in the Department of Political Science, Director of Center for US-China Policy Studies at San Francisco State University. He is Editor-in-Chief or Co-Editor-in-Chief of four peer review journals, the Journal of Chinese Political Science, the Journal of Chinese Governance, the Chinese Political Science Review, and the Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Editor of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers-Lexington's book series"Challenges Facing Chinese Political Development." He is former president of the Association of Chinese Political Studies.
Professor Guo is also a visiting research fellow or a guest professor at many Chinese academic institutions, such as Fudan University's Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Fudan University Center for Chinese Foreign Policy, Zhejiang University's Center for Public Policy, North China University, Inner Mongolia University, and Guizhou University.
Professor Guo earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee in 1999 and M.A. from Peking University in 1987. His areas of specialization include comparative politics, international relations and methodology. His research interests include Chinese/Asian politics, US-China relations, international relations of East Asia, communist and post-communist studies, democratic transitions, and the political economy of East and Southeast Asia.
Professor Guo has published around 60 academic articles both in English and Chinese, and 30 authored and edited books both in English and Chinese, including Palgrave Handbook of Local Governance in Contemporary China (2019), State-Society Relations in Transitioning China (2018), Air Pollution Governance and Sustainable Development (2018), Governance in Transitioning China (2017), China Green and Low Carbon Development and Transition (2017), Global Sustainable Energy Competitiveness: BRICS in Focus (2016), Theorizing Chinese Citizenship (2016), Global Sustainable Energy Competitiveness Report (2015), The Political Economy of China’s Great Transformation (2015), Democratic Transitions: Modes and Outcomes (2014), State-society Relations and Governance in China (2014), Chinese Politics and Government: Power, Ideology and Organization (2012), The State of Field: Political Science and Chinese Political Studies (2012), Civil Society and Governance in China (2012), China’s Search for Good Governance (2011), Reviving Legitimacy: Lessons for and from China (2011), China’s Environmental Crisis: Domestic and Global Political Responses and Impacts (2010), Thirty Years of China-US Relations: Analytical Approaches and Contemporary Issues (2010), Environmental Protection Policy and Experience in the U.S. and China's Western Regions (2010), Greater China in an Era of Globalization (2009); China in Search of a Harmonious Society (2008); Harmonious World and China's New Foreign Policy (2008), Challenges Facing Chinese Political Development (2007); New Dimensions of Chinese Foreign Policy (2007); China in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Opportunities (2007); The Political Economy of Asian Transition from Communism (2006); China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ in the 21st Century: Domestic and International Conditions (2006); and Post-Mao China: From Totalitarianism to Authoritarianism (2000), among others.
Guo appears on local and national media programs (WFAA-TV, Public Radio-KERA, Dallas Morning News, Atlantic Monthly, KTSF Channel 26, KTVU Channel 2, ABC Channel 7, NBC Channel 11, KALW 91.7 FM, Sing Tao Daily, World Journal, Sing Tao Chinese Radio, Ming Pao, Qiao Bao, Newsweek Japan, China News Service, etc.) to speak on a variety of current issues in U.S.-China-Taiwan relations, US-China trade, China rising and its implications for the world, Asian security issues, Chinese domestic politics, reforms, foreign policy, U.S. war on Iraq, Middle East Crisis, etc.
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