Leilani Ames
After graduating from SF State, Leilani started working at the Beles and Beles Law Firm in Oakland as a legal assistant on criminal appellate cases.
As an SF State student, Leilani won the Gene Geisler Award for empirical political science, which helped her further develop her writing skills and work closely with passionate professors. Leilani also participated in Moot Court, an opportunity that pushed her to grow as a speaker, think more openly, and make meaningful friendships.
Advice for current and future PLSI students:
Join something, be a part of a club or a team, it sounds cliche, I know, I came to SF State with the same mindset I had at my junior college, of keeping my head down and just doing well in classes, but I was persuaded to do otherwise and to get out there and try new things. Adding that challenge and that social aspect to school makes it way more enjoyable and rewarding, so take the plunge and step out of your comfort zone.