Katherine Gordy

Katherine Gordy

Phone: (415) 338-7528
Email: kgordy@sfsu.edu
Location: HUM 528
Office Hours:
Tue: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in person
Wed: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. on Zoom

Katherine A. Gordy (Ph.D., Cornell University) teaches courses in political theory and Latin American Studies. Her specific research and teaching interests are comparative political theory (Latin American and Caribbean political thought primarily), critical theory, and theories of history and ideology. She is the author of Living Ideology in Cuba: Socialism in Principle and Practice (Michigan 2015). She is a contributor and co-editor (with Smita Rahman and Shirin Deylami) of Globalizing Political Theory (Routledge 2023). Her articles on Cuba, ideology, and Latin American political thought have appeared in Viewpoint Magazine, Postcolonial Studies, Public Culture, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political and in edited volumes including The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Political Theory (Oxford 2019), Comparative Political Theory in Time and Place (Palgrave Macmillan 2017), Interpretation in Political Theory (Routledge 2016) and How not to be Governed: Readings and Interpretations from a Critical Anarchist Left (Lexington 2011). She was born and raised in New York City.

Website(s): Katherine Gordy SF Sate Academia Website